Mobile application aiming to connect users to like minded people in their area. Join forums, post and join events, chat about an upcoming event, and DM other users! Made using React Native, Firebase, and Typescript.
Fall 2023
A landing page for Firstleaf to show off all of the great reviews & ratings the company has recieved, built as the capstone project for my internship. Made using ReactJS, Javascript, and SCSS.
Summer 2023
Some of my first personal coding projects. This site hosts 4 different games that I've created, as well as an array of digital art I designed. Each game and art piece was made with Javascript & the P5.js library, and the site was made with HTML.
Winter 2021 - Fall 2023
Analysis of a large reltional database through various queries and data visualization libraries. The database is called 'Urban Unrest', and hosts contains data from civil unrest events globally throughout history. Made with SQL and Python on a Jupyter Notebook.
Winter 2023
A unique single player game where the player must avoid catching Covid-19 by destroying the germs left by their infected peers. Act fast before one mutates! Made with java in a virtual world.
Fall 2021
A landing page for recruiters, coworkers, and peers to find in order to learn about me, view my portfolio, and get in contact with me. Made using NextJS, MongoDB, and Typescript.
Fall 2023