Meet Robert Vermeulen

My Name is Robert, I'm a Computer Science major with a minor in Mathematics at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and a developer for the Hack4Impact club. I love technology because of it's ability to improve people's lives at an easily scalable level, and have a strong desire to use my career in software to assist those who need it most.

This past summer, I worked as a Software Engineering Intern for Firstleaf, where I got hands on experience as a full-stack developer working with ReactJS and Ruby on Rails. I am set to graduate in December of 2024, and so this year I am looking for my second summer internship. Ideally I'd like to be focused on backend software engineering, but I'm open to any opportunities that develop my technical skills and push me to learn something new.

My Headshot
A picture of me with my skis

I have a strong passion for community service, especially mental health awareness & suicide prevention. Checkout the nonprofit I helped found, Robbies Hope!

My other hobbies include skiing, surfing, photography, camping, and live music.
Some of the most fun facts about me are:

  • One time I built an igloo and slept in it that night.
  • When I was a kid, I shook Barack Obama's hand.
  • I've been pulled up on stage at two seperate concerts.
Thank you for visiting my Personal Site!